Last Wednesday I made my final thrifting trip of 2010. It was only natural that I hit up the Salvation Army, as they have 50 percent off on Wednesday. I was looking for a dress or two and only wanted to spend $20...I ended up spending $46! Though I spent way more than intended, I found some awesome items I can’t wait to wear.

{i. love. this. dress. i don’t know who made it, as there’s no label but the ruffles are just my style. $7.50}

{i knew it was going to be a good thrifting experience when the first item i laid my eyes on was this pair of Sam Edelman pumps. $7.99}

Click more to see the other clothing and accessories I scored.

I'm really enjoying my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I don't purchase any new clothing} but one draw back is I never know what the inventory at a thrift store is going to be like. I've been on the hunt for chunky sweaters for the past month but always left empty handed...until last Wednesday.I hit up my favorite Salvation Army in NYC {46th St. between 10th and 11th} and walked away with a few sweaters that are perfect for the colder weather. Wednesdays are Family Day where all clothing and shoes are 50 percent off.

{i can't wait to layer this over a pair of leggings and boots. $3.50}

{this DKNY men's sweater would go great with a pair of skinny jeans. $3}

Click more to see my other finds, including a $10 Nine West coat and sparkly pumps.