A few weeks ago I let you guys in on my big news, I'll be appearing on The Nate Berkus Show. Well, now I have an air date for the show: Thursday, September 15. So of course I hope you'll tune in, tell a friend, tell your mama and set your DVR.

I can't tell you how exciting and humbling it was to be a part of the show. Nate was as sweet {and cute!} as he appears on television and the team of producers and assistants were absolutely amazing to work with. Like seriously, I  didn't encounter a single person who wasn't a pleasure.While you're waiting for the show to air, check out behind the scenes pics snapped by my homie Danielle {aka The Style & Beauty Doctor}. She was on hand as my moral support, photographer, lipstick applier and all around calming spirit who kept me from freaking out at my first television appearance.

Though you guys know I'm a thrifting queen, I love a great deal at any store I go to. So when Loehmann's invited me to their blogger event last week, I jumped at the opportunity to attend. They offer top designer names for up to 60 percent off the original price.

Stylist Felix Mercado gave us the dish on fall's hottest trends {red, sheath dresses, oversized bags}, we met fashion icon and 90 year old fly girl Iris Apfel and they gave us $300 to shop with.

If you guys follow me on Twitter, you know I've been raving about NY Lean 25 for about a month. The company reached out to a few bloggers to give them an inside peek at what the fitness program is all about. In a nutshell, NY Lean is a 25 minute, high impact workout three days a week. It's perfect for the gal or guy on the go so I was excited to participate. I completed the program and I'm ready to share the results with you guys {I...

Last night I had the an amazing time at the AOL Blogger's Night Out. The event was a part of BlogHer and had all the ingredients of a great party (food, drinks, cool people and great activities).Held at Hudson Terrace, ladies mixed and mingled while enjoying manicures and dressing up as their favorite style icons for a photo shoot. Oh, did I mention we were treated to cuisine by top chef Marcus Samuelsson? Yeah, we were!Click more to see photos of the lavish affair. It was definitely a night to remember.