Another month down {seriously, how is it April already?} and another month of my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge. If you're new to the site and don't know about TT365 {read up about it here}, it's a year long quest where I can only purchase thrifted clothes and accessories. The only new items I can wear are undergarments {obviously, I'm not going to buy secondhand undies} and any gifted clothing I may receive. Oh, and did I mention I can only spend $50 a month? Yeah, only 50 bucks. Though I went over my clothing budget in January, I've been under budget every other month.

For March, I spent...$40. Yay, I didn't go over budget and I managed to snag 10 items. Here are my thrift store scores for the month of March...

Goodwill Purse

I found a hieroglyphics style purse at Goodwill for $5, which I showed off in a what I wore post a few weeks ago. The bag doesn't hold much but the design and gold clasp is simply gorgeous.

I rarely wear flats. I actually feel naked without a heel and I know a lot of petite ladies who feel the same, but sometimes you find a flat shoe or boot that's so amazing, you don't care if it doesn't add a few inches to your height. And sometimes your feet just need a break! Well, that's exactly what happened when I found a pair of zig zag flat boots at the Salvation Army a few weeks ago. The design was so fly, I couldn't pass them up.The weather in NYC has been a bit mild lately and there's nothing I love more than throwing on a pair of comfy shoes, fitted jeans and a jacket for a day of thrifting, brunch or hanging with friends. But of course an outfit doesn't have to be boring simply because it's casual.

Thrifty Threads 365, looking fly on a dime

Another month gone and another month that I can only thrift shop and spend a max of $50 on secondhand clothes and accessories. My Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is at the five month mark and for February, I stuck to my budget. Yay for me, since last month I went over budget by $23.I haven't had too much time to shop but over the past two weeks I snagged a few goodies and I have to say I absolutely love everything I purchased. Since I can only spend $50, that forces me to only buy things I would regret leaving at the store. Fun, statement pieces that help elevate my wardrobe.I'm a serious heels and stiletto lover but I've been on the hunt for a pair of flat boots and luckily I found them at the Salvation Army {46th St. between 10th and 11th in NYC}. These zig zag boots are just everything to me and the $10 price tag made me do a happy dance.

Thrifty Threads, flat boots

Thrifty Threads 365 challenge A few weeks ago I went to a bday party for my girl Christina of LoveBrownSugar and I wanted a look that was fun, cute and a bit flirty. So naturally I pulled together a head to toe thrifted outfit. I love bright colors and sequins so why not rock them together?

Normally I would go either/or {the red pants or a sequin jacket} but since it was a party, I went allll out. After getting dressed I realized my head to toe look was less than $20.

Thrifty Threads 365, looking fly on a dime

It's the monthly review of my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge, a full year where I only purchase a maximum of $50 in thrifted clothes and accessories.  I'm four months in to the challenge and this month, I went a little overboard.I spent $73! Yeah, I went way over. But last month I only spent $10 so I like to rationalize that this was kinda like I spent in January what I didn't spend last month. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.Though I went over my allotted amount, I scored a ton of great pieces I really love.

Stuart Weitzman booties, Goodwill