looking-fly-on-a-dime-dressbar-review-dressbar-by-dressbarn Dressbarn. What comes to mind when you hear that name? For me it's stuffy pantsuits, oversized florals and pretty much nothing I would wear. Well, I can admit when I'm wrong.
Dressbarn recently launched DRESSBAR, a collection of curated dresses from top designers which you can shop online, in store and in NYC, there's a pop up shop {102 Fifth Ave.}.
I tried a few of the dresses out and here are the hits, misses and what you should check out.

style-equation-forever-21-dress-blue-sequin-sweater-zara-striped-button-down It looks like spring might finally be on its way {yay to 50 degree temps in NYC this week!}. Though we tend to layer up during winter, this also continues throughout spring. With chilly mornings and semi-warm afternoons, we still need a few layers to stay warm but also amp up the style factor.This week's Style Equation is all about layering a button down and sweater for an effortless spring look.

Just last week in my Having It All When Your Budget Is Limited, I mentioned that traveling is a huge priority of mine for 2015. Well, just a few days ago I booked a trip to Belize. {insert scream and Madonna's "La Isla Bonita"}.
I previously traveled to Belize a few years ago and when Secret Flying {check them out for last minute deals} had a flight for less than $350, I jumped on it. Besides saving on flights, I also save major cash by traveling light, because who really has time to pay for checked baggage fees?!
Check out how to go on on a week long trip and pack a single carry-on. Yes, it's absolutely possible to pack light and even have room in your bag to bring back souvenirs.

 style-equation-winter-weather-dressing-cold-weather-dressing-what-to-wear-when-its-cold It's Fashion Week here in New York and though this should be the time of high style, I'm seeing some sartorial choices that have left me scratching my head. Style is totally personal and we can all rock what we want, but I'm absolutely baffled by women who are foregoing warmth for style. The temperatures are below zero, but I've seen fashionistas in open toe sandals and light layers. Um, no!
Ladies, style and warmth can coexist. I previously did a Style Equation feature {quick fashion combos that make it easy to get dressed!} last year, but now is the time to resurrect it. Check out the 5 style essentials you need to get dressed in the cold weather. I promise, you'll be warm and cute!