Yesterday marked the official start of summer and there's no better time to clean out that closet of yours. While some people clean their closet every season, doing a revamp at the mid-way mark of the year is pretty important.
Freeing up your closet really helps you determine what you already have and ensure you wear the pieces you even forgot about. And more importantly, you finally ditch the garments and accessories that no longer serve their purpose.
Here are 5 easy ways to clean out your closet for summer.

style-equation-what-to-wear-casual-chic-weekend-hi-low-skirt-pleated-hi-low-skirtThough I have a closet full of clothes, I always feel I have nothing to wear. But I've come to rely on trusted style combos that make getting dressed in the morning must easier.I realized I haven't done a Style Equation post in a while, so here it is. This is a useful go-to combo when you want to get dressed for a casual weekend, day of errands or lunch date. It takes just minutes but you'll automatically look pulled together and it only requires the basics every woman has in her closet.

black-lace-halter-top-black-jumpsuit I've found a few jumpsuits I love but when I say a few, I really mean just a few. My problem is they're too long for my 5'2" frame, the waist is baggy but too fitted on my booty or numerous buttons make it a pain to get in and out of. Well, I finally found the perfect jumpsuit.

Let me back up. I didn't actually buy a jumpsuit, I created one. And you can too with items you already have in your closet.