Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here.
Looking Fly on a Dime: thrifty threads 365 six month update
Can you believe it? The year is almost half way over and the Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is at the half mark. That means I haven't purchased a new piece of clothing or accessory for six months. And when I did buy clothes, they were secondhand and I never spent more than $50 each month.
This is my third go round with the Thrifty Threads 365 fashion challenge and a few things are different. Well, one thing in particular. YOU!

Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here.
Thrifty Threads 365: raiding my grandmother's jewelry boxA few weeks ago my aunt started cleaning out my grandmother's room {she's currently living in a nursing home for round the clock care}. While my aunt was ready to toss most of the stuff or just donate to the thrift store, I quickly stopped her. See the thing is, my grandmother loved to dress back in the day. And she really loved jewelry. I'm all for donating to the thrift store {obviously!} but I wanted to go through some of her beloved items to see what serious gems she had.
Let me tell you, I'm so glad I did and stopped my aunt before she just bagged everything up. Also, since I'm doing my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {no new clothes for a year, only thrifted!}, I can use all of the accessories I can get.
Check out just a few of the amazing vintage jewelry I found in my grandmother's closet.

Looking Fly on a Dime: Affordable Vintage Warehouse

Do you know what I did last weekend? If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then yeah, you already know. I hit up the thrift mecca of Udelco warehouse for some serious vintage shopping.I previously posted about Udelco about two years ago, but it was time I paid them a visit again and this time my aunt and cousin joined me. For those who attended my last Ready, Set, Thrift! event, you may have seen my aunt. The thrift shopping party was her first time thrifting and I was happy that she and my cousin joined me for another round of thrift therapy.Based in northern New Jersey, Hawthorne to be exact, Udelco vintage warehouse has affordable, one-of-a-kind clothes. While most vintage wholesalers aren't open to the public, Udelco opens their doors to anyone looking for a treasure hunt. See what I found, plus a few tips if you ever plan to visit a thrift warehouse.

Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here.
Thrifty Threads 365: Maxi Dress and Crop Top ComboThere's something so effortless about a maxi dress. It's a simple one piece, but the floor grazing effect has a regal feel to it. And a maxi is my go-to piece when I'm in a rush, traveling or just don't feel like getting dressed.
I've had this super soft cotton maxi dress for at least five years {purchased from Strawberry for less than $15!} and it's seriously on its last leg, but I can't seem to let it go. To add a different feel to it, I layered a vintage cut off t-shirt over it.