Affordable Nail Polish: best beauty brands under $5Yesterday the beauty world took an audible gasp as Christian Louboutin entered the world of beauty. The brand, known for its iconic red bottom shoes, launched a line of nail polish {additional beauty products are on the way}. Oh, but did I mention the polish retails for $50? Yup, 50 bucks for a teeny bottle of Louboutin nail polish.
If you're not into spending a ton of money on nail polish, check out affordable beauty brands that feature amazing polish that stands the test of time.

21 Healthy Hair DIY Treatments for Summer-Starved Hair {my latest piece for BuzzFeed} 8 Outfit Formulas that Work on Every Body Type, Every Time {Redbook} 15 Ways to Save on Decor {The Everygirl} 10 Ways to Update Your Vintage Seating {Apartment Therapy} 6 Sale Sandals You Need in Your Life {Cheap Chicas} Target Announces Black Friday in July Over 3 Weekends {The Recessionista}...

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Caress® via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Caress®.”
Fresh & Fabulous for Spring - Trendy Yellow
It's clear that I'm a fan of Caress® {see my last review here}, so I'm always down to try a new product of theirs. This time it was the Caress® Juicy Escape™ Fresh Collection body wash. Besides the amazing smell of the sun-kissed lily and pink grapefruit body wash, it's actually right on trend with what's happening in fashion.
Wait, exactly how is a body wash on trend with what's on the runway? Here's how.

Beauty on a Dime: TJ Maxx Luxe Beauty Aisle

This weekend I took a trip to TJ Maxx with my cousin and while she was looking at shoes and handbags {her weaknesses!}, I hit the beauty aisle. Besides the fact that I can't buy new clothes and accessories due to my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge, I know the beauty options at TJ Maxx are everything!Though TJ Maxx is known for affordable fashion, here's why you should check out their beauty selection.