Thrifty Threads: Monochromatic Winter Style

1. I love bright colors
2. I’m fairly short {5’2″}
3. I love wearing a monochromatic bright look, which makes me appear taller.
I’ve been absolutely obsessed with the vintage Christian Dior coat I thrifted from the Salvation Army coat sale. Basically, I’ve worn it almost every day since buying it in December.
And the coat was an integral part in a recent look. Keep reading to see the other thrifty threads I rocked and how a monochromatic style can make you appear taller.

vintage-80s-christian-dior-coat-monochromatic-style Well, this look isn’t entirely monochromatic as I broke the red up with a thrifted chambray button down. Girls, the men’s section is great for oversized sweaters and shirts. The Jessica Simpson skinny jeans from TJ Maxx are a bit lighter than my fire engine red coat, but it still works.
To keep the look from being too flat and boring, which can happen when you wear one head to toe color, I added texture with my vintage beaded jacket and statement pumps from Gary & Pepper. They’re a neon hue in the front and animal print in the back! These were actually one of my last purchases from Loehmann’s before they closed.
beaded-jacket-chambray-shirt-jessica-simpson-jeans-christian-dior-coat-looking-fly-on-a-dime Whether you’re going for head to toe blue, black, red, etc., the monochromatic instantly creates a long line and the illusion of added height.
Do you wear bright colors in winter or keep it pretty neutral? What tips do you use to look taller?

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