Thrifty Threads 365 Update

Saturday marked exactly four months since I started my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only buy second-hand clothing and accessories}. Since I’m a third of the way through, I wanted to update you on my progress.

  • I don’t miss shopping

    Maybe it’s because I was never much of a spendthrift anyway, but I can’t say I miss hitting up my favorite stores. I was a afraid that during the major holiday sales I would be tempted, but I wasn’t. I was able to buy gifts for people in my life without feeling the need to purchase any clothing for myself.

  • Thrifting has been good to me

    My initial concern with this challenge was what if I didn’t find any awesome items at the thrift store? Well, that fear was quelled when I started finding some cheap chic clothing. Check out my Goodwill and Salvation Army hauls here, here, here and here. And the Salvation Army coat sale came just in time. I thought I would be stuck with my trusty peacoat for the winter season but I lucked out and scored five awesome coats for under $100.

  • I’m going to stop thrifting so much

    I realized that I’ve been thrift shopping every two weeks or so. That’s not a bad thing, especially considering how affordable it is, but it can also be a way to spend way more than I planned. When I head to my favorite thrift store in hopes of finding a cute dress or top, I tend to walk away with a bag full of stuff. So I’m either going to limit thrifting to once a month or just set a budget for myself. Hmm, there’s no way I can only thrift once a month {the inventory constantly changes so I like making frequent trips}, I think I’ll just set a $20 or $25 budget per visit.

  • I plan on shopping soon

    Remember, there were a few stipulations to this challenge. The only new items I can purchase are underwear and if I receive a gift card to a clothing store. Well, I received $100 in gift cards for Christmas and I also need some undies and tights. I wonder if it’ll feel weird shopping for new clothing?

I’m a third of the way through my challenge and I feel great. So far I’ve accomplished my goal of proving to others and myself that you can look fly no matter what your budget is. Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and a special thanks to those who’ve joined me in the challenge!


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