Thrifty Threads 365: September Thrift Haul

Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here.
September was a really great month for me. Besides releasing my thrift shopping book and celebrating my 5-year blogiversary, I had some amazing thrift store scores. I’m talking about vintage threads and designer duds for next to nothing.
Under my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge, I can only spend a total of $50 each month. How much was my September tally? Just $8. Yes, less than $10 for the 25 or so items I thrifted. Check out how I did it, my favorite picks and thrift outfits for September.

 Last month I hosted another Ready, Set, Thrift! event at Housing Works Buy the Bag and they were nice enough to give me a free bag of clothes, so that was about 20 items I received for free-99. The only money I actually spent was $3 for a velvet wrap skirt and $5 for a vintage satin dress {pictured below}. Below are some of my faves.

In addition to the Dolce & Gabbana heels and Marc Marc Jacobs flat boots {I Instagrammed them here}, my favorite accessories were this vintage metallic purse and adorable straw hat.
I try to stay away from buying blazers {I have so many!}, but I couldn’t pass this Rachel Rachel Roy one thanks to the detailed lapels and shiny finish.
 Black and white is so simple and chic, but this Giorgio Armani top is anything but basic!
 In my book, Looking Fly on a Dime: How to Find Fabulous Fashion at Any Thrift Shop & Make the Cheap Look Chic, I mention that I like to thrift and vintage shop in smaller towns where the prices tend to be much cheaper. I found a tiny secondhand store in Jersey {Green Caboose} that has super affordable prices on most items and that’s where I scored this vintage satin dress. Here’s how the dress looks when it’s on instead of just laid flat.
These are just a few of my finds of the month, so stay tuned to see how I style them and the others in the coming months. As for my favorite outfits, I wore a ton of thrifty threads to Fashion Week and September events.
Vintage crop top and Calvin Klein skirt.
Tulle dress and bag scored at the Salvation Army.
Metallic dress from the Salvation Army, less than $10.
Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram. That’s where I showcase my daily thrifty outfits in real time.
Did you have any thrift store scores last month? What are the favorite pieces you found and how much {or how little!} did you pay for them? Are you doing ThriftyThreads 365 {no new clothes, only thrifted!}, how’s it going so far?

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