shopping-budget-thrifty-threads-365-looking-fly-on-a-dime Thrifty Threads 365 ended almost two months ago for me. Though I successfully gave up shopping for new clothes for an entire year, I was curious to see how I would adjust post-TT365.Would I go on a shopping spree? Would I just stick to thrifting because department store prices would give me sticker shock? How much would I spend?Well, it's been an interesting journey so far..

winter-outfit-what-i-wore-this-winter-looking-fly-on-a-dime It's cold in New York. Let me add it's cold and there's snow on the ground. Though we dodged a blizzard this week, it's still pretty frigid out. A few weeks ago I told you about the importance of a statement winter coat and it's the only garment you need to buy this season.Well, I'll add winter accessories to the list as well. These are the add-ons that will keep you warm and chic! Oh, and since my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is over, I finally went shopping and bought my first brand new item in a year!