*these photos were clearly taken on a windy day. see my hair?*
Have you ever seen people wearing a trend and you wondered if you could pull it off? Well, that's exactly how I felt about seeing people wear sweatshirts in a chic way. I don't even wear sweats when I work out {I'm a tank top or zip up hoodie and yoga pants type of girl}, so I couldn't figure out a way to wear one without looking like a slob.
One of the great things about thrift shopping is you can try new trends at a low cost. While at the Salvation Army on 46th St., I picked up a basic Hanes sweatshirt for $1.50.
On its own it would look a bit blah, but with the help of some accessories and layering, I created a look I'd rock for a night out.

Housing Works Buy the Bag returns

One of the questions I frequently get is, "when does the Buy the Bag sale return?" If you're not familiar, the Housing Works Buy the Bag sale was held on weekends during the summer and you could purchase an entire bag of clothes and accessories for $25. Yup, whatever you could fit in a bag was yours for just $25.The scene was a bit hectic, but that's understandable when amazing secondhand goods are up for grabs. Housed in a large warehouse space, shoppers had to dig through bins for serious hidden treasures. During previous Buy the Bag sales I found hundreds, even thousands of dollars in clothing for just 25 bucks. Pieces ranged from Tracy Reese dresses, a Celine cardigan, Club Monaco skirts and even a pair of Chanel pumps.Normally the sales were in a warehouse on Saturday afternoons in the summer and early fall, but Housing Works Buy the Bag is back with a new location you can shop year round and throughout the week.

Housing Works warehouse saleEarlier this week I showed you my recent Housing Works haul from the Buy the Bag sale. But I found so many goodies {63 pieces for $50 equals less than 80 cents for each item}, I had to split the post up over two days. I gave you a glimpse at the awesome coats and tops I nabbed {including a St. John cardigan} and now it's time for the bottoms.

My style definitely leans more towards dresses, flirty skirts and even casual skinny jeans, and I found all of the aforementioned.Peep what I walked away with.

thrifty threads 365 challenge, shopping challengeAnother month down, so it’s time to recap my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only thrift shop for clothes and accessories, no new items}. My budget for each month is $50 and how much did I spend for the month of July? *drum roll* Exactly $50.

The past two weekends, I ventured to Long Island City for the Housing Works Buy the Bag sale. This is the place to go if you're seeking the most threads for your cash. For $25, you get a brown bag and whatever you can stuff in it is yours. In late July I managed to fit 35 pieces in the bag and on my final visit of the month, I got 28 items in a bag, for a grand total of 63 pieces for $50. That's less than 80 cents for each skirt, dress, top, coat, etc.
Housing Works Buy the Bag haul{my haul, with a tutu on top}
And these aren't just any old items, a few are department store and even some high end labels. Oh, and a cardigan I found retails for at least 500 bucks.
Peep some of my favorite finds.

thrift shopping with a noviceIf you're new to thrift shopping, I've done a few posts on how to get started {thrift shopping 101 and thrift shopping FAQ}. But what if you're not new to thrifting but you want your newbie friends to join in on the thrifting fun? Well, this post is for you.

Last weekend I had a small adventures in thrifting trip to the Housing Works Buy the Bag sale {$25 for a bag full of clothes!} with Danielle from The Frugal Fatshionista and photographer Rayon Richards. Danielle is a thrifting pro, but for Rayon, it was his first time at the sale.The bag sale can be a bit overwhelming. It gets crowded, hot and there are so many clothes, everything eventually gets pulled out of the bins and on the floor {see the photo below, I'm literally standing on a pile of clothes!}. But luckily, our thrifting newbie walked away with two bags of goods.So if you're thrift shopping with someone who's new to secondhand stores, here's what you should do: