I like to think that I'm a pretty adventurous person. I'll pretty much wear anything, try any trend and my love off all things colorful occasionally has me dressing like a walking bag of Skittles. I wear it. I own it! But I realized a few months ago that a lot of things scare me or just flat out give me anxiety. Are these things "scary," or have I just built up the fear in my mind? It's the latter.A few weeks ago I went on a trip to Nashville with Chevy and I had to seriously ask myself, "did I make a huge mistake???" Though Chevy was our sponsor, there was a fitness component to the trip, including CrossFit and kayaking. Um, CrossFit absolutely freaks me out. The workout just seems so hardcore. I like working out, but those workouts just seem too intense. And as far as kayaking? I can't swim and have a serious fear of large bodies of water. So this trip would have normally been something I said no-way to, but instead I said, let's do it!Chevrolet Silverado CrossFit Event - Nashville


Last month I shared I would be resurrecting a few reader favorites and Fab, Fit and Frugal is officially back. Of course "looking fly on a dime" involves fashion, but being fly is an overall lifestyle, so it's only natural for fitness to be included in that. Oh, and I also gained a few pounds this summer and can't zip up a few of my dresses. Eek! So now I'm really all about being healthy on a budget.

One of my former bad habits I occasionally fall back into involves soda and juice. I have a major sweet tooth, so these drinks make me happy! However, the additives are pretty horrible and not to mention what the sugar does to your body and skin.

So that's why I was delighted to learn about Hint Water. It's the perfect fix when you want something other than boring water, but need to ditch the soda and juice.

5 Year Blogiversary-looking-fly-on-a-dime
5 years. Yes. Five. Whole. Years. I can't believe Looking Fly on a Dime® celebrates its fifth blogiversary today. I started the site after being laid off from my job at a fashion magazine and I had no idea this little website would lead to repeat appearances on the Today Show, Nate Berkus Show and a correspondent gig for a local NYC station.
It's been a great five years and I'm excited for what's to come. Besides my thrift shopping ebook that's being released next week, you'll see some new and revamped "old" features coming to the site.

Fab Fit Frugal, looking fly on a dime

For years I've heard about the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. Though I use ACV when I mix it with my bentonite clay mask, I had never consumed the liquid. And that's mainly because the smell is just so strong.
But I finally bit the bullet and started making an apple cider vinegar cocktail and drinking it has now become a part of my morning routine.

Fab Fit and Frugal, looking fly on a dime
Like most people, I'm stressed. And lately I seem to be really stressed. Between running the site, freelance writing and launching a few projects, my time and patience is stretched thin. A few years ago I went on an amazing 10-day meditation retreat, but when I can't get away, it's important for me to find blissful moments wherever I am.
Lately, I've found bliss at my desk. I know, that's a bit ironic seeing as how work has been stressing me out, but a few key pieces make all the difference.