Well, the above is a bit deceiving. I’m not exactly gracing anyone’s red carpet {just yet!}, but I do have to occasionally get glammed up for TV segments and photo shoots for my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge. Though paparazzi may not be snapping my pics or yours, it’s important to have a killer beauty routine to go with any style. And since everything I do is on a budget, that’s where P&G Beauty products come in. You know their brands: Olay, Pantene, COVERGirl, Secret, etc. Instead of dropping...

I’ve been blogging for four years now and I can admit, things tend to get a bit stale. So that’s why last week I asked you guys to take a short reader survey {you can still take it, here} to get a better idea of what you like, dislike or want more of. Combined with a few of the results and some ideas I’ve been playing around with, I wanted to share what’s new for Looking Fly on a Dime® in 2014.

The end of year is always crunch time for me. This is when I look back at what I accomplished in 2013 and what goals I plan to crush in 2014. Well, that’s where you come in. Yes, you. As Looking Fly on a Dime continues to grow, I’m adding more content {I currently post three times a week, but want to up that to every day}, hosting more style segments {assistance with styling is needed} and upping the outfit posts {I’m in desperate need of a photographer}....

Living in New York City means I have access to amazing thrift stores. There’s even a strip of secondhand shops on East 23rd Street where I had one of my last thrift shopping tours. You really can’t beat having seven day access to finding potential thrift store scores. But what about people who don’t live in major cities? Well, you’re not out of luck. And I actually like thrift shopping in a quaint town. Here are 3 reason I prefer thrift shopping in a small town.