5 Ways to Get Your Man to Thrift Shop with You

You ever notice something particular that most thrift shoppers have in common? Besides refusing to pay full price for anything, most stores are full of women! Where are the male thrifters?! Of course some guys who love to thrift shop, but in all of my years hitting up secondhand shops, I tend to see way more women than men.

So what’s a gal to do when she wants her guy to thrift shop? It’s actually quite easy. Keep reading below for 5 tips to get your guy into thrift shopping. He’ll be a thriftaholic in no time.

“I Got This at the Thrift Shop!”
Sometimes you just need to show and tell. If your boo mentions that he loves a thrifted garment you’re wearing, definitely let him know it’s thrifted. “Oh, you love this? I got it for 5 bucks at Goodwill!” He’ll most likely be shocked and impressed you found something so fly and affordable. These little reminders every so often will show him firsthand that thrift shops are full of gems. The intrigue will slowly start to build until he’s ready to start thrifting for himself.

Less Competition
The men’s aisles always seem empty compared to the cramped racks women have to deal with. When you emphasize that you’re guy will rarely have to deal with any pushing or shoving, the act of thrift shopping will seem far less intimidating.


Help Him Shop
As a general rule for thrift shopping with newbies, I think it’s necessary to help them shop before you go off on your own. Instead of heading to the women’s section, hang out with your guy and help him hit the men’s section. You should know his style, so you can suggest clothes and accessories that might work for him. Also, I personally love shopping the guy’s section for myself {relaxed jeans, chunky cardigans and blazers}, so you might even find something you can wear!

Shop for Him
Since you’re already thrifting, why not pick up a few items for him? During one of my first visits to the Salvation Army coat sale, I found this amazing men’s Burberry trench for $25. I bought it for a guy I was dating and two things happened: he thought I was considerate for buying him the timeless outerwear and he seriously couldn’t believe I found such an amazing deal. He wasn’t the thrifting type, but after that incident, we went thrift shopping together on two separate occasions.


Just Bring Him Along
If all else fails, just drag your boyfriend along with you on your next thrift shopping excursion. Hopefully he’ll spend his time waiting for you by checking out some racks for himself. Even though he might initially start shopping out of boredom, it may result in some thrift store scores!

Have you noticed less men at thrift shops? Do you go thrift shopping with your man? How do you get him to thrift shop with you? 

For more thrift shopping advice, be sure to get a copy of my book, Looking Fly on a Dime: How to Find Fabulous Fashion at Any Thrift Shop & Make the Cheap Look Chic.

  • tricia
    Posted at 21:33h, 22 November Reply

    Nooo! We definitely do not need any more men thrift shopping. The men are worse than the women , I mean fussing and fighting over women’s sh*t. pushing and trying to dominate in the stores. It’s a mess and makes for a bad experience every time I see a bunch of men shopping with and for their ladies. My man can not go thrift store shopping with me because if that is the best he can do for me, than we’ve got a problem. That’s something I do for myself and to distress. No Men Allowed.

  • Shannon
    Posted at 14:58h, 02 December Reply

    There is not fussing and fighting in the thrift stores where I am located! My hubby doesn’t go with me as sometimes I spend 3 hours scouring racks, frankly he could be mowing the lawn or doing something else at home. He does however love it when I find him thrifted clothes to wear. That Burberry coat is a score! I hope that guy keeps it forever.

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