Dime Find of the Week: Prove People Wrong Apparel

dime-find-of-the-week-prove-people-wrong What: Prove People Wrong clothing

Why: We all need an inspirational message and sometimes your clothes can literally make a statement.

I’m all for a great message {I frequently post inspirational memes on Instagram!} and I love it when clothes and accessories have a message that can keep you going. That’s where Prove People Wrong comes in. The line of apparel features tanks, tees, hoodies and wristbands with the phrases we all need to repeat to ourselves when we’re feeling less than enthusiastic.
Their motto is, “success is a choice” and they describe the line as:
“It represents an individual’s commitment to pushing themselves and cultivating the champion spirit within. PPW embodies an attitude that can unify all driven by a common aspiration, to defy the odds and to “Prove People Wrong.” Let them keep doubting, keep writing you off, keep thinking you can’t. Doubt never fills you. It fuels you.” 
The color scheme is a simple black and white with an occasional pop of red, so you’ll have no problem incorporating these pieces with your favorite pair of jeans, joggers or minis and tights.
Where: Shop online for Prove People Wrong.
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