thrifty threads 365 challenge, shopping challengeAnother month down, so it's time to recap my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only thrift shop for clothes and accessories, no new items}. For May I completely went over my budget because I was thrift shopping in San Francisco. So I was determined to keep my $50 limit in check for the month of June...and I did.

I almost made it through the entire month without buying anything but I did a brief interview and photo shoot for USA Today at the Salvation Army and I couldn't leave without buying something.

Recession has many looking thrift store chic

thrift store prices, how to thrift shop
Two weeks ago I posted what may have just been my most commented on {via the blog and Facebook}, shared, liked and tweeted post. When I posed the question, "Are Thrift Store Prices Becoming Too Expensive?," you guys chimed in and the overwhelming answer was yes, the prices have increased.
Some people blamed the lagging economy {more people need to thrift so the prices are reflecting that}, others feel since some re-sell thrifted finds, the stores are upping the prices and a few people even believe bloggers like myself are responsible, since we're putting a spotlight on thrift shopping and making it "chic." 
Hmm, whatever the cause, us frugal folks aren't too happy with it. 
And Goodwill was the one thrift store in particular that everyone kept singling out. 
I've been a long time Goodwill supporter {shopping, donating and I even styled a Goodwill fashion show for disabled workers}, so I wanted to hear their side. I reached out to the New York and New Jersey branch of Goodwill to see how they determine prices and what percentage of sales are dedicated towards providing services to those in need.
Here's what they had to say....

I know I promised part two of my San Francisco thrift shopping tour {check out part one here} but I had a reader ask me what I wear while thrifting and I tweeted her the photo above. I've briefly mentioned some tips on what to wear {especially if you're hitting up a hectic warehouse sale}, but this is my first time devoting an entire post to the best pieces to wear that will help you have an easy thrift shopping excursion.

The pic above is what I wore while shopping in San Francisco. Fitted jeans allow for comfort and make it easy to try a dress or slacks on over them. And I had a button down shirt with a tank underneath which let me quickly and easily remove them so I could try tops and cardigans on in the middle of the aisles. And of course flats are a must. Thrifting takes time and can be competitive, so there's nothing cute about teetering around in four inch heels.But as the weather warms up, I switch my thrift look up a bit.

You guys may know that I'm the Savvy Shopper reporter for Pix 11 News in NYC. And I've got a great opportunity for one lucky reader/viewer to appear on camera with me for an upcoming segment.

If you have a closet full of clothes that are just collecting dust and taking up space, why not revamp your wardrobe? I'm looking for a woman who will let me go through her closet and tell her how she can cash in on those old clothes. During the Pix 11 segment, we'll find creative ways so you can get rid of the old and free up some cash for a new wardrobe! Updating your style on a budget is something we can all use, especially with the upcoming summer months.You should:
  • Live in NYC
  • Be available to film Tuesday {5/22} morning and afternoon
  • Allow myself and the camera person access to your home and closet
  • Have awesome, gently worn clothes you need to get rid of

If you guys follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then you know I spent last week in San Francisco. Besides enjoying some serious thrifting {more on that later this week}, I took in the sights, as this was my first time in the Bay Area. And of course, I rocked head to toe thrifted looks. I never intentionally wear head to toe thrift store finds, but because the majority of my wardrobe is secondhand, that's just how it works out!During my first day in the city I went for a denim top {Salvation Army} and cobalt blue maxi skirt {Goodwill}. The skirt was actually free because I redeemed my Goodwill Rewards Card points. If you're a serious Goodwill thrift shopper, check with your local store to see if they have one of these cards, you won't regret it.