I love a juicy burger but instead of the beef or turkey variety, I wanted to switch it up a bit and make a salmon burger. And instead of slathering it with plain mayo or ketchup, I whipped up a dill and cilantro mayonnaise. Fancy smancy, right?This was a simple, quick and affordable meal that I'll definitely be making again. It's a great alternative (and even a bit healthier) to your tried and true burger.

Click more to see how I put the meal together.

The temps are rising and the last thing you want to do is slay away in front of a hot stove. Sometimes, a light (and healthy) bite is great for spring and summer days. A hearty salad can be hard to come by and if you're piling on the fix-ins at a salad bar, it can be pretty expensive.Below is a Smoked Salmon Salad I adapted from Jess over at Whole Grain Grub. I love the tanginess of the cheese, the sweetness of the apple and saltiness of...

I'm absolutely obsessed with the Food Network, so of course I had to adapt a recipe from one of their food superstars. This week I tried Spinach Carbonara courtesy of "5 Ingredient Fix". Not familiar with the show? The host, Claire, prepares meals that contain five ingredients or less. How great is that!? Minimal and affordable ingredients are always a great thing in my book.Ingredients: pasta: $1.50 cheese: $5 pancetta: $3 spinach: $2 eggs: $1 (optional) bread: $31. Saute cubes of pancetta while boiling pasta 2. Combine eggs and cheese 3. Once pasta is cooked, add...