Beauty Review: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri

I love switching up my nail color every three or four days, but getting a professional mani every week can get a bit expensive. While browsing the aisles of my favorite place on Earth {Tar-jay}, I came across Sally Hansen’s Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color. It promised to dry in 60 seconds, only required one coat and a one-stroke application. They also had a range of colors to choose from {the line has 32 shades}. At $4.69 I was sold, so I picked up a bottle in Racey Rouge.

Click more to see if Insta-Dri really held up to its name.

The polish was thick and the brush was flat and wide, similar to the brand’s Complete Salon Manicure.

There was no way this stuff could dry in a minute…or at least I thought so. I did a base coat and then applied one coat of polish. The bottle states it only requires one stroke with the wide brush, but it was more like two strokes to ensure the outer edges of my nails were colored. After a minute it looked as if my nails were dry. I was a bit skeptical so after a minute and a half, maybe two, I pressed down on the nail of my index finger. I was expecting fingerprints, but that didn’t happen. It was dry! And my nails had a natural shine to them before I even applied a top coat.

Insta-Dri is perfect if you want to do a quick mani for a night out. Or if it’s late and you want to change your polish before going to bed. I can now say goodbye to waking up with sheet smudges on my nails!

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