December means party season. Though it's fun and festive, it can also be nerve racking because you never know what to wear. Some invites call for formal, while others are dressy casual or maybe it's a cocktail affair. Either way, decoding party dress codes can be tough!
That's why I stopped by Essence Live and hosted a segment on what to wear for any holiday party.

chunky-sweater-thrift-store-style-looking-fly-on-a-dime-fioni-night-glitter-heels It's no secret I love a good deal. And if you're reading this blog, you probably do too. Though I'm cool with a $1 thrift store shirt, shoes can be a different story. Your footwear carries the weight of your body and can seriously affect your feet if they're poorly constructed {i.e. cheap!}.But before you write off cheap shoes, here are some observations: the good and the bad I've observed over the past few months wearing three pairs of cheap shoes.