For years I’ve heard about the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. Though I use ACV when I mix it with my bentonite clay mask, I had never consumed the liquid. And that’s mainly because the smell is just so strong. But I finally bit the bullet and started making an apple cider vinegar cocktail and drinking it has now become a part of my morning routine.

Like most people, I’m stressed. And lately I seem to be really stressed. Between running the site, freelance writing and launching a few projects, my time and patience is stretched thin. A few years ago I went on an amazing 10-day meditation retreat, but when I can’t get away, it’s important for me to find blissful moments wherever I am. Lately, I’ve found bliss at my desk. I know, that’s a bit ironic seeing as how work has been stressing me out, but a few key pieces make...

As I get older, a few things have happened when it comes to my beauty routine. My product junky-ism gets worse and I increasingly rely on all natural, affordable remedies. A few years ago, a friend introduced me to Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. She loved it. Couldn’t stop talking about it. Wouldn’t stop talking about it. So I finally bought a jar from Whole Foods for about $6 or $7. It was the best beauty decision I ever made.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had oily, acne prone skin. And I’ve also tried a variety of products, from dermatologist prescribed topical treatments to serums, creams and peels sold over the counter. But one product I come back to over and over again is witch hazel. Per Web MD, it “contains chemicals called tannins. When applied directly to the skin, witch hazel might help reduce swelling, help repair broken skin, and fight bacteria.” It’s also just a few dollars and a must have in every...

I love Target. That’s not a surprise. From their clothes to being obsessed with their infamous dollar bins, I always walk out of the store with something amazing. And I’m really fortunate that my local Target has a grocery section. This has become my go-to spot when I need some last minute items for dinner or a light bite. And though I tend to find myself in the ice cream aisle {I’m obsessed with Talenti’s sea salt caramel gelato!}, the store is stocked full of fresh, healthy eats....