10 Apr Why I Love Target’s Dollar Bins
I’m not a Target novice. As someone who craves a good deal, I’ve been down with Tar-jay for years. But you know what I’ve recently “discovered”? The dollar bins at Target.
I normally pass right by them, but I was clearly making a mistake.
This weekend I made a trip to the magical bullseye for some ice cream and instead of passing right by the bins, I checked them out. I typically don’t do this because they can be a little unorganized and I feel it’s a bunch of stuff I don’t want or need.
But this time I found some cute home decor items and cute miscellaneous finds.
Peep the video to see what I scored as well as tips on how to avoid overspending and buying items you really don’t need.
Are you a fan of the dollar bins at Target? What’s the best item you’ve purchased? Have you ever regretted buying anything?
Posted at 07:14h, 10 AprilToo cute! I love the dollar bins there too. I always find something
Posted at 08:02h, 10 AprilI have those same tins. I got the ones in leopard 🙂
Posted at 11:22h, 10 AprilI love the dollar bins too and have to be careful too! I recently got some garden tools there. They were just colorful little hand tools for kids but they were wood and metal and the perfect size for a little weeding and hole digging.
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Posted at 03:01h, 24 July[…] love Target. That’s not a surprise. From their clothes to being obsessed with their infamous dollar bins, I always walk out of the store with something amazing. And I’m really fortunate that my […]
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Posted at 03:00h, 23 June[…] kitty, Chauncey, or I’m just browsing the clothes and accessories. And you know I love the Target dollar bins! But I was so surprised to learn Target has a college registry. Did you know that? Check out a […]
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Posted at 09:11h, 12 August[…] 12th, 2014Filed Under: Deals & Steals, Product Review You already know I love the Target dollar bins and recently I’ve noticed a few additions. Besides the fact that the bin now includes $3 […]