16 Dec Thrifty Threads 365: Should I Continue My Style Challenge in 2015?
As you can tell from the title, I’m contemplating another round of Thrifty Threads 365 for 2015. If you’re new to the blog, Thrifty Threads 365 is a shopping challenge I created where I only thrift shop for a full year. I can’t purchase any new clothes or accessories {this excludes undergarments!}. I’ve been doing TT365 off and on for three years. Whew!
I’ve had a few of you ask if I’ll keep doing Thrifty Threads 365 in 2015 and the honest answer is, I don’t know. That’s why I need your help.
The first time I completed Thrifty Threads 365 in 2010, the only rule I had was no new clothes. There wasn’t a thrift shopping budget and I pretty much spent, or overspent, whatever I wanted while thrifting. The following year I enforced a $50 monthly budget and a few of my readers joined the challenge with me.
And finally, for 2014, I kept the $50 monthly budget and really utilized social media to keep track of everyone participating in the challenge. Just check the #ThriftyThreads365 hashtag to see all of the amazing folks who rock thrift store style!
In between thrifty threads outfit posts, I’ve shared my thrift shopping tips, the most recent was how to thrift a winter coat and I even released my thrift shopping book that’s full of my insider tips and tricks to score vintage and designer deals at the thrift shop.
But what can I or WE do to really step up Thrifty Threads 365 for the new year? I want to keep it going, but only if there’s something new, fun and inspiring!
Should I focus on readers who are doing/did the challenge and their thrift story?
Maybe I can commit to wearing thrifted clothes everyday with only one new item allowed?
Leave a comment below and let me know! I’d love to hear how we can make Thrifty Threads 365 fun and fresh for 2015!
Posted at 08:45h, 17 DecemberMost of us who thrift regularly likely have a robust wardrobe and we probably don’t need a single new item! How about thrifting items only if they are truly unique or if it is an upgrade to a piece you already own?
Looking Fly on a Dime
Posted at 09:34h, 17 DecemberThanks, but that’s what I’ve already been doing! Be sure to check my past posts 🙂
Karen J
Posted at 12:20h, 17 DecemberI say continue with the Thrifty Threads 365 – its encouraging and helpful. I love to see you incorporate “1 Piece # Ways” post throughout the year with what you have purchased.
Posted at 19:05h, 18 DecemberI think it would be cool to see readers who are doing the challenge too. And I love the idea of thrifted clothes everyday with only 1 new item.
Posted at 18:59h, 19 DecemberI would like to see you continue the challenge. I find it inspiring and I have committed to participating in 2015! I am setting up my blog now to document my journey. Also, I love the idea of showing readers who are doing the challenge also.
Posted at 21:55h, 21 DecemberI think the budget is high. Maybe a good challenge is to decrease the budget and find pieces that work with existing pieces.
Mabel Herson
Posted at 07:07h, 26 DecemberI say, please keep it. Thrifting is always a challenge for me as i usually spend way more than $50 a month. 50 a month would keep me in check and i would save a lot of money and focus on necessities rather than, oohh, i’ll take that and that and then i feel i’m really not saving at all by going to thrift stores.
Please keep it.Thank you, Mabel
Posted at 18:30h, 27 DecemberI would continue with the challenge for 2015, but drop the budget to $20- 30, and refashion the newly thrifted items or the items you already have to make them to different.
Posted at 01:02h, 28 DecemberI would love to see other THRIFTERS with their unique finds. Also it would be great to see the 365 challenge dollar amount lowered to $30