Last week you guys had some great suggestions when I asked if and how I should continue my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge. A lot of you thought I should continue my thrift only wardrobe but set a monthly limit for my purchases. And that got me thinking about the cardinal sin of thrifting: overspending.

I know some people think, 'how can you go over budget when everything's so cheap?" But "cheap" stores are the prime location to go crazy and drop a ton of cash. You're so enamored by the prices and awesome finds that you snatch everything up, whether you need them or not.It's kind of like when you go to the dollar store {for me it's Dollar Tree. Isn't that place amazing!?}. You may walk in with the intention of buying a few things but other goodies always catch your eye. And you end up with bags of miscellaneous items and you rationalize by saying 'it's only a dollar." Well, those dollars add up. And it's the same way with thrift shopping. Though I like to think of myself as a thrift enthusiast, even I've been guilty of this.

This past weekend I was in thrifter's heaven at the infamous Housing Works warehouse sale. The $25 Buy the Bag event featured bins, boxes and crates of thrifted clothing for anyone brave enough to deal with the 90 plus NYC weather. In last week's video I showed you how to prepare for a sale like this and now I want to share how the event went down.The awesome Housing Works staff let me take a peek at the scene before the hungry crowd entered. Several dozen bins were piled high with goodies.

Last week I told you guys that the awesomeness known as the Housing Works "Buy the Bag" warehouse sale is returning. For $25, you get a bag full of clothing. This sale is only held a few times a year, so I can't tell you how excited I am for it to finally return this Saturday, 7/23. But because I love you guys so much, I want you to be as prepared as possible if it's your first time attending. It can be a mad house in there. Though it's...

StyleBlazer: Summer Essentials under $100 {written by yours truly}Mr. Goodwill Hunting: I <3 Thrifting Nationwide Event is Saturday 7/9. Check out a Full List of Shopping LocationsGlamazons: Diane von Furstenberg to Design a Collection for Gap Kids and Baby GapSeattle Pulp: 7 Thrift Shopping Tips for NewbiesNitrolicious: What to Expect from Versace for H&M...