It's no secret I'm a bit of a thrift shopping pro. I mean, I literally wrote the book on how to thrift shop. But you know something else? I still have total fails and I leave the store empty handed. Whether you're a novice or a pro, everyone has experienced thrift shopping trips that result in little to nothing. And that's totally ok.
Here's what you should do if you strike out while thrift shopping.


Today is the big day. My book, Looking Fly on a Dime: How to Find Fabulous Fashion at Any Thrift Shop & Make the Cheap Look Chic, is available for purchase.

This book has been a long time coming and I'm so happy it's finally come to fruition. While I've been blogging for five years and often share my thrift and style tips, I really wanted to provide my readers with a comprehensive, A to Z guide of thrift shopping. This book is broken down into three parts and covers:
*what to do before you hit the thrift store {how to find one, best days to go, etc.}
*top strategies while you shop {what sections of the store to hit first, how to cut down on buyer's remorse}
*how to clean your thrift shop clothes and style them to make the cheap clothing look expensive

Before you purchase your copy of Looking Fly on a Dime, here are three things you should know.

looking-fly-on-a-dime-thrift-shopping-guide-how-to-thrift-shopShe's finally here!!! Sorry for the exclamation marks, but not sorry! I'm so excited to reveal the cover of my soon to be released ebook on thrift shopping. Isn't she pretty?!In September I'll celebrate the fifth year of Looking Fly on a Dime® so it only makes sense I release an ebook that's all about how to thrift shop. Using my 10+ years of experience thrifting and my background in fashion magazines, I'm sharing all of my tips and tricks.

People-stylewatch-shop-smart-patrice-j-williams-style-expertIf you're following my social media accounts {Instagram, Twitter and Facebook}, then you already know I'm in the September issue of People StyleWatch. *insert happy dance*I've been obsessed with StyleWatch since they launched a few years ago, so offering my shopping tips was a dream come true. They asked me to share my top thrift tips and the timing couldn't have been better.