Posted at 07:11h
by LookingFly

This past Saturday was the
Housing Works Buy the Bag {$25 for all you can stuff in a bag) sale and as usual, I racked up. I met a few of you there and it seems everyone walked away with a bag {or two} full of goodies. As usual, it was crowded inside, clothes were everywhere and the crowd got a bit rowdy when additional bins were put on the sales floor, but the majority of people were super sweet. I didn't take pics inside {I was too busy shopping}, but the clothes were eventually pulled out of the bins and everyone was walking over the garments and one woman even lost her shoe in the clothing avalanche.I managed to stuff a total of 30 items in my bag, so at $25 for a bag, that averages out to 83 cents per piece. Considering I found some vintage items, including Armani, I'd say that's a thrift store score.This sale always has a ton of blazers and I snagged with six of them. A bit excessive, I know.