crop-top-vintage-skirt-shoedazzle-mules When I go thrifting, I don't typically seek out vintage garments in particular. I buy whatever speaks to my style and sometimes that's a 70s pleated dress or a Zara necklace. But I do notice I subconsciously pick up vintage clothes and accessories. The pieces are just so unique and have superior craftsmanship, which is something you don't get with fast fashion.But how do you wear vintage in a way that's not costume-y? This week's Thrifty Threads is all about mixing vintage and contemporary pieces for a modern look.

After my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge was over on January 1, I went on a bit of a shopping spree and hit up a few department stores. That resulted in me not thrift shopping for most of January and February. Well, I changed all of that in March and did some serious thrifting. I made multiple trips to the Salvation Army and a mega vintage warehouse.
Check out the video below to see what I thrifted in March, including a statement-making vintage jumpsuit and spring style essentials.

looking-fly-on-a-dime-thrift-haul-salvation-army-haul The month is only half over and I've already gone thrifting three times. I can't help it! I'm heading to Belize next month and luckily I've found a few pieces that are perfect for the island weather and nice everyday clothes and accessories for spring.

In the short video below I'm sharing my thrifted finds from the Salvation Army, including the garment I hated to walk away from.