01 Mar Best Face Forward: On Air Hosting & Public Speaking Tips
I can't tell you how many times I've rolled my eyes at a boring Instagram Story or YouTube video that's just unnecessarily long. Seriously, I won't even watch a YouTube clip that's more than 10 minutes. I know it's sad, but we're all inundated with media and content, you have to grab people's attention. Immediately. And a 10-plus minute video shows me I can't be bothered. Or if someone is wearing or doing something totally distracting? I can't even focus on the message they're trying to get across.
Appearance is everything. As superficial as that may sound, it's true. We all judge a book by its cover and fashion is the language we speak before we even open our mouths.
So today's post is going to be a little different than my typical "style" topics, but it still incorporates fashion.
This is specifically for you if you want to rep your brand and get in front of the camera {on television, Instagram Story, Instagram Live or YouTube} but you're just not so confident and/or don't want to bore your audience. And these same tips apply even if you just want to be a better public speaker.
It's all about what to do and especially what you wear.