Last week I announced the debut of Adventures in Thrifting {monthly trips where we hit up different thrift stores in the city}and I've finally set a date. The first outing will be on Saturday, April 30 at 10:30 am. As I stated in an earlier post, each "Adventure" will have a theme and April's theme is "The Big Three." If you've been following my blog for a while, you know my favorite thrift stores in NYC are Goodwill, Salvation Army and Housing Works. And there's a street in NYC...

I've mentioned the Housing Works $20 All You Can Stuff sale before {check out what I snagged on my last visit: I stuffed 38 items in my bag for $20}. And it's here again. If you're in NYC, Housing Works is having another sale on Saturday, 1/29.A little background on the sale: you enter a large room full of thrifted treasures, dig through bins and whatever you can stuff in a brown paper bag {the kind you'd get at the grocery store} is yours for just $20. And there's no limit to the number of bags you can buy.Amazing, right? I've walked away from these sales with a Theory military jacket, Chanel pumps and Prada bag.Click more to read up on some tips for shopping the massive sale.