Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details check the original post here
Thrifty Threads 365: No New Clothes for a Year!
Earlier this week the East coast finally had a respite from the massive inches of snow,  but then it began to rain. Don't get me wrong, I'll take rain over snow, but both elements can really put a damper on your style game and especially your footwear.
Luckily I have a few go-to looks and boots for snowy, slushy and/or rainy days. When I need to put the heels away but don't want a clunky wellies, I step into my zigzag vintage boots I scored for less than $10 from the Salvation Army.

Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details check the original post here
thrift threads 365, style challenge
To say that it's been cold would be a serious understatement. With temperatures below zero and snow that never seems to cease, the last thing on my mind was wearing something cute or teetering around in heels, but...I found an outfit that was fashionable and functional.
My cold days aren't complete without my Ellen Tracy cape {get it here in black} I scored from Loehmann's two years ago. Seriously, investing in outerwear is a must, especially if you live in a colder climate.
Every other garment I rocked was straight from my favorite thrift stores: vintage Balenciaga booties {less than $1 from Housing Works Buy the Bag}, purse, vintage blouse, beaded jacket and Uniqlo jumpsuit from the Salvation Army. They all came together for a look that combined fashion and function.

Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I'll show you how it's easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details check the original post here

thrifty threads 365 challenge, shopping challenge
Remember my last thrift store haul when I found these leather, rubber sole booties? I immediately scooped them up because I knew they'd be perfect, especially for winter. Flats are for easy walking and stilettos can be tricky, but a rubber sole bootie is stylish and easy to navigate slippery terrain.
I finally took the booties for a spin last week when the streets of NYC were slushy.

thrifty threads, thrift store style, looking fly on a dimeOne of the most antiquated fashion myths is the idea that you should never wear white after Labor Day. Yes, you can {and should!} wear white this winter season. It's crisp, clean and has an automatic chic-ness to it. Of course it's all about the material. White linen pants would be a no-no in winter, but a sharp white/cream/off white coat is a definite yes.

Winter is rearing her frigid, ugly head so that means it's time for me to whip out my trusty fur collar Zara coat I scored from Housing Works Buy the Bag. As it turned out, my entire look {minus the gloves and tights} was thrifted and head to toe cost less than $25.

faq thrift shopping, thrift shopping faq
I've been blogging now for four years and though Looking Fly on a Dime® isn't strictly about thrifting, it's one of the things I've become known for. And though I've answered tons of do's and don'ts on secondhand shopping, I tend to get the same  questions over and over again.
Well, now I'm gathering the top five questions I get and compiling them in one convenient post. From how do you find a thrift store to the options for plus size women to easy ways to effectively sanitize your clothes and accessories, everything is below.