Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here
Thrifty Threads 365: No New Clothes for a Year!
Can you believe we're already into the second quarter of 2014?! As usual, time has gone by way too fast, but sometimes it seems pretty slow, especially since I've given up buying new clothes thanks to my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {full year of no new clothes, just thrifted!}.
I can honestly say I've held up pretty well over the last three months and haven't felt the need to shop for new clothes, well, not really...

Thrift Store Decor: Home Items You Can Safely Buy Secondhand

Although shopping at thrift stores has become very popular, I still come across a lot of people who are skeptical about buying previously owned items. When it comes to thrifting furniture, there are definitely items you should avoid, like mattresses, mainly because they can carry bed bugs.On the other hand, so many pieces of furniture that can be thrifted without being a hazard to your health. Check out a few secondhand home items to spiff up your living space.

decorate your cubicle, nice office space

If you’ve ever worked a regular 9-5 in an office, then you understand how spending all day in a bland cubicle can make you go crazy! And the same can go for any home office space.Most people like to personalize their space by showcasing family photos, but often times those pictures end up taped to cabinets or propped against the computer monitors, while knick knacks are randomly placed amongst endless piles of papers.Just because work can be boring doesn’t mean your workspace has to be! Here are some simple and affordable ways to give your cubicle or home office a major upgrade.

season to thrift shop, time of year to thrift shop

This weekend I continued my fall closet clean out and that included dropping off a huge bag of clothes and accessories to Goodwill.I have a large wicker basket from Home Goods that I purchased for $7 and every few months I add clothes to be donated. Well, it was finally time to drop them off and pass along the great secondhand karma, because as much as I thrift, it's important for me to give back.And I know there are tons of other people dropping off major donations as well. This is actually one of the best season's to thrift shop.

thrift shopping tips, thrift shops in smaller city
Living in New York City means I have access to amazing thrift stores. There's even a strip of secondhand shops on East 23rd Street where I had one of my last thrift shopping tours. You really can't beat having seven day access to finding potential thrift store scores.
But what about people who don't live in major cities? Well, you're not out of luck. And I actually like thrift shopping in a quaint town. Here are 3 reason I prefer thrift shopping in a small town.