Ah, red. That oh so bright hue that you either love to rock or it's just too bright for your taste. I'm one who fully embraces color so when I found a pair of red pants at the Goodwill Outlet {clothing is priced at $1.69/lb}, I grabbed them with a quickness. Even in a bin full of clothing it was hard to miss them! I threw them in my basket unsure if I'd actually purchase them. As much as I love color, red pants are a bit much. And could I pull off high waisted pants? I finally decided I needed them in my life.
If there's one thing you'll come across in a lot of thrift stores, it's t-shirts. Some are awesome and fun and others are just odd. And I tend to find a lot of tees with fun designs or phrases but they're just too big. What's a girl to do? Grab a pair of sharp scissors and you're on your way to creating a funky piece.
It only required a few snips for me to remix this baggy tee.
{of course I had a pair of flats in my oversized bag}
See how I found a Theory blazer for $1 at the Goodwill Outlet. ...