You've been there before. You check out a thrift store you've heard about or maybe you just randomly stumbled upon it. But after a few minutes, you walk out empty handed. Your thrifty little heart is crushed and you leave discouraged.Though I've been thrifting for about 10 years now, this still happens to me. Last year I checked out the Salvation Army on East 23rd St and walked away feeling it was the Worst. Thrift. Store. Ever. I couldn't find anything and the racks were half empty. I vowed to never go back to this whack location, but after a few months, I went back and I'm so glad I did.

Thrift Shopping Commandments

Every thrifter I've come across has different techniques they employ to find serious thrift store scores. There's no one way to thrift, but there are a few tips and tricks that make the experience a bit easier. I guess you could call them the Thrift Shopping Commandments. These are the rules you want to adhere to before, during and after thrifting so you can walk away a happy shopper. So without further ado, here are the 10 Thrift Shopping Commandments:

Know Where You're Going: The one question I'm constantly, constantly asked is "how do I find a good thrift store?" It's really trial and error, regardless of where you live. Though NYC has a ton of options, not all of the stores are that awesome. Trust me. Start by checking with national chains like Goodwill and Salvation Army to see if one's in your area. And I really love the site, where you enter your zip code to find secondhand shops near you.