What to Wear When It’s Hot Outside {5 Ways to Stay Cute & Cool!}

I’m a summer baby but I absolutely hate the heat. On really hot days I feel like I start sweating before I even leave the house! And exactly what do you wear when the mercury reaches 80s, 90s and above?

I’ve found that wearing certain items and even avoiding others can cool you down and keep you looking fly.

Skip the Skin Tight Clothes
Let. Your. Skin. Breathe. When you’re really burning up, there’s nothing better than a flowy dress or pants, instead of super tight cut offs. Now, that’s not to say you have to wear caftans all summer {though that’s not a bad idea!}, but don’t feel obligated to wear the tightest, shortest items in your closet. And sometimes you can go short and lightweight and breathable, like I did with the pineapple short set above, from Sears.

Material Matters
And of course cotton is a super breathable material you can’t go wrong with. A good silky top can be a great option but just take into account the material will start sticking to you if you’re a heavy sweater. Wearing a cotton undershirt is a quick solution to this!

what-to-wear-summer-style-summer-style-solutions-natural-hair-updo-vintage-shirtPut Your Hair Up
Long/big hair don’t care, but it sure can be hot. My neck sweats a lot {sorry, TMI!}, so I usually go for an updo, either a bun or pin the back up, in the summer months and keep my hair off my neck.

Be a Walking Reflector
If you’re anything like me and you love metallics {look at that vintage gold lamé skirt!}. While this skirt is pretty lightweight, the material also reflects the sun rays right off of me. Take that, sun! And of course we’ve all heard that wearing black just absorbs the heat, so all black everything might not be the best look.

vintage-gold-lame-skirt-vintage-denim-jacket-summer-style-looking-fly-on-a-dimeI promised five tips but I intentionally left the last one off because I want you to share your style solutions.

What’s your best tip for staying cool, dry and stylish when it’s extremely hot? Are there certain clothes and accessories you stay away from?

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