06 Nov Style Discussion: Has Thrift Shopping Made You Cheap?
Thrifty Threads 365 is a fashion challenge where I will only thrift shop for an entire year. I’ll show you how it’s easy and wallet friendly to satisfy your style needs with secondhand finds. For full details, check the original post here.
I’ve noticed something interesting happening to me. Well, it’s nothing new, but as my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge comes to an end, I’ve realized thrift shop prices have spoiled me. When I see how much shirts, pants, dresses and especially shoes cost at department stores, I get major sticker shock. Like, I literally recoil and gasp.
Thrift shopping has made me cheap!
Even at affordable retailers like H&M, Forever 21 and Target, I think to myself, “I can get a bag of clothes at the thrift shop for the cost of that single shirt!” Sure there are some secondhand stores that have really crazy prices {remember this popular post: Have Thrift Stores Become Too Expensive?}, but I’ve become so used to half off days at the Salvation Army, $25 for a bag of clothes at Housing Works Buy the Bag and the affordable vintage mecca of Udelco.
Even after my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is over on December 31, I wonder if I’ll even want to shop at department stores or if the prices will be too much for my frugal heart.
Have the affordable prices at thrift shops spoiled you? Do you now think department stores are too “expensive”?
Modi Kwanza
Posted at 11:07h, 06 NovemberDefinitely can relate, from my personal shopping experience. But I also recall a study of consumer habits that found we tend to stay fixed on the lower price, even if it were a dramatic discount. We don’t necessarily forget we bought it on the 75% off rack, but our mind keeps saying “Yea, but I got it for much less than this; bet I can find it somewhere cheaper.”
Esta Fiesta
Posted at 11:11h, 06 NovemberI’ve definitely become cheaper! Not even based on thrift shopping alone – any type of sale! I recently had to pay $90 for a pair of shoes and wanted to die!!
Niki @ Cheapalicious
Posted at 11:30h, 06 Novemberwell, i’ve always been cheap, but i don’t thinking thrifting has made me even more cheap. since trends are cyclical, if i know what’s hot at the moment can be found at my local thrift store, then that’s where i’m headed, lol.
Posted at 12:00h, 06 NovemberGuilty! I am always calculating how much I could get at a thrift store. I usually pay more for lunch than any given outfit! So addicting once you have your “spots” and have curated the staples. Thrifting rocks!
Whitney 'Nic' James
Posted at 12:03h, 06 NovemberI had to chuckle when I read the title. I think I’m guilty of this at times. I’ve talked myself out of quite a few department store purchases, thinking I could thrift certain items. LOL!
Posted at 15:59h, 06 NovemberI definitely more Thrifty! I hardly ever buy at department stores anymore. I think the same thing, for the price of one item at the department store, I know I can get 15 things from the thrift store. I can’t bring myself to pay those prices, and I can also buy brands that I could not afford if I had to pay retail. Especially shoes and purses.
Posted at 20:33h, 06 NovemberI don’t like the word cheap, it sounds bad. I don’t think you or I are cheap. I think you just think a little more about what you really want to spend your money on and how quickly things go in and out of style and quality of clothing. Some clothes are made so poorly that I wouldn’t want to spend retail prices on them but thrifting something that won’t last makes more sense. I like to get more for my money and the thrifts and yard sales but I will spend serious cash on nice jewelry and traveling : )
Alexis Hubbarf
Posted at 14:14h, 07 NovemberYes, thrifting has spoiled me to the point that I dont step foot in a department and/or retail store unless I can’t find what I’m looking for after visiting several local thrift stores. Even after I give in I still shop the sales rack.
Tiffany Ima
Posted at 16:00h, 09 NovemberOh my gosh, yes! People be like “the dress is only $30!” And I be like “30!? Do you know what I can do with that at the thrift store!?”
For me, it is more about my education in fashion. And the perceived versus actual value of clothing – I know a lot of these new items are made super cheap and low quality. I rather find a high quality treasure for cheap or pay low prices for low quality garments.
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly