Spring Cleaning: Signs It’s Time to Toss Your Clothes

5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes

I have close to 20 pairs of jeans but I tend to wear the same five or six pairs over and over. Also, even when I have a closet full of clothes, I feel I have nothing to wear. You know what this means? I have way too many clothes {gasp!} that I don’t wear, need and/or want.

This turns out to be pretty common. Last year, an article in the Wall Street Journal stated most people only wear 20 percent of their wardrobe regularly.

It can be tough tossing the clothes you no longer wear, but here are a few tips to determine when it’s time to just let them go.

Spring Clean Your Closet: 5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes If you can’t remember the last time you wore something, it might be time to say goodbye. More importantly, if you definitely haven’t donned the item in the last six months or a year, you clearly don’t want or need it. A great trick to keep track of what you’ve worn: turn all of your hangers in one direction. When you wear something, face the hangers in the opposite direction. At the end of the season, you’ll be able to tell what you haven’t worn based on the direction the hangers are facing.
Spring Clean Your Closet: 5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes
Sometimes clothes and accessories get in our closet and we seem to wonder how or why we ever even bought them. I have quite a few questionable garments that I purchased in the past but would never buy today. Ask yourself, if I went shopping right now, would I buy this? If the answer is no, toss it.
Spring Clean Your Closet: 5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes
Check for stains, holes, tears, missing embellishments, etc. You might find one or two pieces you can actually repair, but more than likely, it’s best to just give up the garment and maybe use the material in a DIY project. The fact is, if you would have or could have repaired it, you would have done it already.
Spring Clean Your Closet: 5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes
This is pretty simple, right? However, it’s not uncommon for women to have clothes they hope to one day fit. Don’t focus on one day. Does it fit you today? Dressing for your current body is so important, so just keep what serves you right now.
Spring Clean Your Closet: 5 Signs It's Time to Toss Your Clothes
It’s natural for clothes that you loved once upon a time to feel outdated. Maybe your personal style has changed or the trendy threads are no longer what’s hot. Or maybe your lifestyle, career, etc. has seen changes and the clothes don’t fit those changes. Whatever the reason may be, let go of anything that doesn’t work for you today.
Of course when I say “toss” your clothes, I don’t mean throw them in the trash. Some items might be behind repair, but there are ways to give your threads a new life and maybe even make a bit of cash off of them.
You can always donate to your local thrift store, host a clothing swap with friends and even sell quality pieces to a consignment shop or list them on a site like Poshmark, which lets you upload directly from your phone.
When was the last time you did a closet purge? How do you determine when it’s time to say goodbye to your clothes or accessories? 
Photo: 1, 2
  • Karen J
    Posted at 10:09h, 31 March Reply

    I definitely need to go through my closet. My only problem is when I do decided I don’t need something, the minute I give it away I see a practical way I could wear it. Lol!! Therefore I am always hanging onto to things.

  • Alex
    Posted at 10:30h, 31 March Reply

    Great tips! I always have a hard time getting rid of things even when I don’t wear them but it really does free up space in my closet. Out iwth the old!

  • Royal Maven
    Posted at 14:12h, 31 March Reply

    I use to have a really hard time parting with my clothes but now I see the benefits in getting rid of items that are worn out or small. I definitely was the girl that would hold on to pair of jeans that were probably two sizes too small with the hopes of returning to a smaller size. I’ve always been a bargain shopper so I find amazing deals and since I don’t spend a lot of money on my clothing..I have no problem with cleaning out my closet and passing the items on.

    Thanks for sharing these great tips!!

  • Erica Woolridge
    Posted at 16:48h, 05 April Reply

    This post certainly comes right on time, as I seem to rotate the same 5/6 pairs of jeans as well, and when I do pick out a new pair, they seem to fit a bit tighter than what I remember. What do I do next? Place them right back in the closet in hopes to shed a few pounds and later fit them again! Guess it’s spring cleaning time, and time for me to let go and live in the present with clothes that feel good! Thanks for this.

  • Kelli J.
    Posted at 21:40h, 15 March Reply

    I do this twice a year at the beginning of each season. I usually take a day to swap out my closet with the appropriate clothes and while I put them up I try them on to make sure I can still fit and to see if I still like it. I what I don’t want anymore goes to a consignment store first and what they don’t take I drop off at Goodwill. I also take things that I don’t like any longer and try to repurpose them….like some skinny jeans I turned into some distressed Bermuda shorts. I also make a list of EVERYTHING I may need for the season like new white cotton t-shirts and while I’m out and I see if I can grab it. A little time consuming but it works for me!

    • Looking Fly on a Dime
      Posted at 13:50h, 17 March Reply

      Great tips Kelli.

      You’re right, it can be a little time consuming, but it’s so worth it and can even save you time in the long run and money, since you’re not buying repeat items or things that just don’t work for you.

      And i love your tip about remixing items, converting your jeans to bermuda shorts. This is a great way to have a new look without spending a penny.

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