06 Oct Shopping Challenge Update
I’ve had a few people ask how my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge is going so I figured I’d update everyone as I’m one month in to the project. Don’t know what the challenge is? Peep the short video above. I’m basically swearing off shopping for new clothing and accessories for a full year. I can purchase goods from thrift stores and only buy new items in one of two circumstances: underwear {i’ll be damned if i wear secondhand panties} or if they’re courtesy of a gift card.
So far I’ve been pretty fortunate with my thrift store finds {more on that next week} so I haven’t been tempted to buy any new pieces.
However, I do have a few items on my wish list for fall and winter, particularly a sweater dress and a cape. I’m pretty sure I can find the dress, but the cape? I’m not so sure about that.
My true addiction is accessories, not clothing. Last week I showed you the photo earrings I made and I’m currently working on a different pair of earrings. So one great thing about the challenge is that it’s sparked my creativity. I made a pair of unique, awesome earrings that can’t be bought in stores.
I’ll be sure to check back in next month. One month down…only 11 more to go!
Posted at 11:01h, 06 OctoberExcited about your challenge. I’m anxious to see how you put your outfits together. Good luck!
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Posted at 17:25h, 06 October[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Living Fly on a Dime, Living Fly on a Dime. Living Fly on a Dime said: New Post–>>Update on my "no shopping for a year" challenge http://ow.ly/2PpUY […]
Posted at 06:37h, 08 OctoberI LOVE your Thrifty Threads 365 challenge!! I think it’s so clever, and budget friendly. I might try my own version for 6 months or so. My only weakness are SHOE buys! Ugh. Anyway I actually posted a Guide to Thrifting Trends on my blog you might like! See here >> http://www.lovebrownsugar.com/2010/10/lovebrownsugars-guide-to-thrifting.html