Remember a few weeks ago when I asked you gals if I should continue my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge? Well, it was clear that it’s time for me to resurrect the no-new-clothes-for-a-year challenge. I did it back in 2010 and 2011 {check out the final results here},and this is the first time I’ll do the challenge from January through December. Just like the previous times, I can only purchase secondhand clothes for a year, but this time around, you can get involved.

On Wednesday I did what I haven’t done in about a month: I went to the Salvation Army for some serious shopping. The last time I went, the inventory was weak and I left empty handed, but this time around, the thrift gods must have been shining down on me. The Salvation Army at 46th Street is usually my go-to destination for dresses and an occasional vintage gem, especially sequin tops and button downs. And that’s exactly what I found on Wednesday.* I kept pulling one amazing piece after another....

This weekend I continued my fall closet clean out and that included dropping off a huge bag of clothes and accessories to Goodwill. I have a large wicker basket from Home Goods that I purchased for $7 and every few months I add clothes to be donated. Well, it was finally time to drop them off and pass along the great secondhand karma, because as much as I thrift, it’s important for me to give back. And I know there are tons of other people dropping off major...

Living in New York City means I have access to amazing thrift stores. There’s even a strip of secondhand shops on East 23rd Street where I had one of my last thrift shopping tours. You really can’t beat having seven day access to finding potential thrift store scores. But what about people who don’t live in major cities? Well, you’re not out of luck. And I actually like thrift shopping in a quaint town. Here are 3 reason I prefer thrift shopping in a small town.

Last week I made my way to the Salvation Army and did a little browsing. I was surprised to see it was packed in the middle of the day. Seriously, I’ve never seen the line that long on a weekday. But I guess everyone wanted to take advantage of the 50 percent off family sale they have every Wednesday. After not finding anything great {but I can’t say I really looked that hard}, I made my way to the third floor. One thing I really love about this...