Have you ever been miserable or just annoyed on what could have been an awesome vacation? Yeah, maybe you have and it may have been due to the fact you chose the wrong travel partner. Picking the right travel buddy can lead to an enjoyable trip, but also help cut costs. Here’s what you should keep in mind when finding the right person to travel with.

All too often our closets are full of the stuff we love but sometimes not the pieces we need. These are your fashion holes. I know, “holes” sounds weird but these are the areas you’re missing a few style essentials. If you’re trying to define your style, here’s how to determine your fashion holes and what you really need to complete your wardrobe.

Another New York Fashion Week has come and go and per usual, every trend seen on the runway can be achieved with thrift store finds. We all know fashion is cyclical, so what’s “new” has been done before. While high end looks can seem a bit unattainable, the ones I’m about to show you are actually quite wearable for everyday, real world situations. Check below to see what fall 2016 runway trends you can score right now and from your local thrift shop!

It’s always great to step out of your style comfort zone and try something new, but when you know what you like and what works for your body, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to what works. That’s where the fashion uniform comes in. What’s a fashion uniform? Keep reading below to see what it is and how it can make getting dressed in the A.M. so much easier.