If there’s a question I get often, it’s “how do I dress stylish but still work appropriate?” I totally understand it. Well, kinda. I’ve always worked in a creative industry, so it’s no out of the ordinary for colleagues to wear jeans, shorts and the latest trends to the office. But I completely understand that’s not everyone’s situation. However, even if you work in the strictest of offices, it’s absolutely possible to dress on trend and be cubicle chic. Hopefully you already have your work wardrobe essentials, but...

Time. It’s a tricky thing. We never seem to have enough of it. Or we’re trying to speed things up because we have our heart and mind set on a desired outcome. Like a lot of people, I’m impatient. I hate waiting and have a now, now, now attitude. So, the fact that I’m embarking a 10-day meditation retreat is laughable to some people {and even to myself!}. This is 10 days of silence, meditation, no wifi, phones, books, pen, paper. Nothing! Oh, and a vegetarian diet…and I am...