The only thing that separates thrifting pros from the newbies is time and strategy. Really, that’s all it is. Thrift shopping can be a bit intimidating, but once you get the hang of it, it’s so easy to become hooked! And it’s understandable. You can find wallet-friendly, unique clothes and accessories and even Fashion Week trends at your local thrift shop. If you’re new to the world of thrift, there’s no better way to learn that just diving right in and more importantly, learning from the pros. Here are...

A few days ago I received an Instagram comment and someone asked when’s my next thrift shopping haul. Well, the thing is, I’ve kinda stopped shopping, so I don’t know when my next haul video will be. This shopping hiatus hasn’t been intentional {it’s a combo of cleaning out my closet and moving to a new place with limited space}, but it’s been surprisingly beneficial. Here’s why taking a shopping break can be a great thing, not just for your wallet, but your style as well.

Another New York Fashion Week has come and go and per usual, every trend seen on the runway can be achieved with thrift store finds. We all know fashion is cyclical, so what’s “new” has been done before. While high end looks can seem a bit unattainable, the ones I’m about to show you are actually quite wearable for everyday, real world situations. Check below to see what fall 2016 runway trends you can score right now and from your local thrift shop!

I know, that title sounds a bit counter intuitive, right? Cleaning out your closet can teach you something and even benefit your style? Absolutely! Last year I donated a fourth of my wardrobe. It was a weekend long project, but it was totally worth it. It’s not just about cleaning out your closet so you free up space to buy more stuff, but cleaning out your closet can actually give you a snapshot into your personal style. If you’re trying to define your style, read on to see exactly how...

It’s cheap, right? That’s why you thrift shop?” I’ve heard the above question before and the answer is yes. But also no. The obvious benefit to thrifting is the prices {but even thrifting is going upscale!}. However, there are other advantages to thrift shopping that have less to do with price and so much more about style.