A reader recently emailed me and wrote, “Patrice, what percentage of your wardrobe is thrifted? I’d love to see your closet!” I’ve been an avid thrifter for a few years and since I started my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge, thrift shopping is my only source of clothing. At this point, I’d say 60 percent of my wardrobe is courtesy of thrifting {here are a few of my favorite thrift stores}. And 60 percent is a conservative estimate. There are some items, like tops and dresses, that I thrift more than others. I...

This weekend was the inaugural Adventures in Thrifting and we had a blast. I met up with four readers for a day of thrift shopping. We hit up the “Big Three” on East 23rd Street: Goodwill, Housing Works and Salvation Army. Here’s a peek at what I found. We started at Goodwill where everything with a green tag was 50 percent off. I found a ton of goodies in less than 30 minutes. These Nicole Miller peep toes had me at hello. Believe it or not I don’t have any red pumps, so...