I recently posted a photo on Instagram and someone commented, “I never find anything at my thrift store.” I’ve heard this countless times. No really, I hear this at least every other day via a comment on the blog or on social media. If you never {ever ever!} find anything at your thrift shop, there’s really just one solution. Check out below how you can remedy never hitting thrift store gold.

It’s no secret that thrift shopping has become chic and some people {self included!} proudly show off their thrift store scores. But you would be amazed at the horrible thrift shopping myths I constantly hear. And I’m sure you’ve heard them too or maybe you even believe a few. From the cleanliness to the sizes they include, below are 5 common myths about thrift shopping and why you should debunk them ASAP!

A few weeks ago I went thrift shopping with my mom {yes, mommy is a thrifter, too!} and we were on the hunt for some affordable finds at the Salvation Army, since most clothes are half off on Wednesday. I came across quite a few coats and it made me realize, there’s an art to thrifting outerwear. There’s an art to thrift shopping in general {I wrote the book on it!}, but in particular, thrift shopping for a coat has its own pitfalls. If it’s getting colder in...

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It’s no secret I’m a bit of a thrift shopping pro. I mean, I literally wrote the book on how to thrift shop. But you know something else? I still have total fails and I leave the store empty handed. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, everyone has experienced thrift shopping trips that result in little to nothing. And that’s totally ok. Here’s what you should do if you strike out while thrift shopping.