Two weeks ago, I celebrated my birthday at the Essence Music Festival. If you don’t know about EMF or if you’ve never been, you need to change that ASAP. It’s obviously a music fest, but it’s so much more. It’s a gathering of folks who are ready to experience food, fun, day and night parties and any other foolishness New Orleans has to offer. It was hands down one of the best trips I’ve been on and I plan to attend next year. But anyway, back to fashion…packing...

Another month down, so it’s time to recap my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge {a full year where I only thrift shop for clothes and accessories, no new items}. For May I completely went over my budget because I was thrift shopping in San Francisco. So I was determined to keep my $50 limit in check for the month of June…and I did. I almost made it through the entire month without buying anything but I did a brief interview and photo shoot for USA Today at the Salvation...

The New York heat wave continues and there’s nothing better than throwing on a flowy garment. Oh, and it was also my birthday this weekend, so I wanted an outfit that was cute but not too fussy. I knew exactly what I’d wear that would fulfill those requirements. While thrifting at Buffalo Exchange in San Francisco, I “splurged” on a color block, hi-low top. 20 bucks is a little much for a secondhand item, but I knew I had to have it. I paired it with my vintage...

Late last week we experienced a heat wave in NYC and besides being uncomfortable, it made getting dressed a bit tricky. Though the heat had me ready to walk around the city in the buff {it’s totally legal for women in NYC to be  topless in public. Who knew?!}, obviously that wasn’t going to happen. And I had to head outdoors to film my Savvy Shopper segment for WPIX. So that meant keeping cool while looking cute. Clingy material is a no-no when temps start to soar, so...

Another month down so you know what that means: time for my monthly Thrifty Threads 365 check in. For the month of April I only spent $40 out of my $50 budget. Well, I can’t say I faired so well for May but let me explain. I visited San Francisco for the first time last month and I hit up about half a dozen thrift stores {check out my San Francisco thrift shopping posts here and here}, so my $50 monthly budget quickly went out the window. Well, let me stop...