Remember my beloved Catherine Malandrino for Kohl’s pleated dress from earlier this fall? Well, I loved it two months ago and I’m still loving it now. Just because the weather has dipped {it’s less than 40 degrees in NYC!!!}, that doesn’t mean I put the frock away. The great thing about it is the knit material, which makes it perfect for the frigid temps. When I previously wore the dress, I went with a bare leg and floral pumps, this time around I threw on a pair of thick...

Last week I made my way to the Salvation Army and did a little browsing. I was surprised to see it was packed in the middle of the day. Seriously, I’ve never seen the line that long on a weekday. But I guess everyone wanted to take advantage of the 50 percent off family sale they have every Wednesday. After not finding anything great {but I can’t say I really looked that hard}, I made my way to the third floor. One thing I really love about this...

Like most people, I’m stressed. And lately I seem to be really stressed. Between running the site, freelance writing and launching a few projects, my time and patience is stretched thin. A few years ago I went on an amazing 10-day meditation retreat, but when I can’t get away, it’s important for me to find blissful moments wherever I am. Lately, I’ve found bliss at my desk. I know, that’s a bit ironic seeing as how work has been stressing me out, but a few key pieces make...

Thriftspiration is a weekly series that puts a spotlight on readers who share their secondhand shopping tips and fun ways to style thrifted finds.   Name: Thrift Society Location: DC Metro Area *This week’s Thriftspiration is a bit different, as Thrift Society exclusively uses secondhand clothes for photo shoots.  All of the photos are from shoots they’ve styled with thrifty threads. When and why did you start thrift shopping? When I was about five years old my grandma would take me to the “used store” and give me...

Thriftspiration is a weekly series that puts a spotlight on readers who share their secondhand shopping tips and fun ways to style thrifted finds.   Name: Luna Nova Location: Arizona When and why did you start thrift shopping? I stepped foot inside my first thrift store when I was 11, and I still shop there almost every day!  Before that I lived in France where we have city-wide yard sales for the whole town. Those are super fun and that’s where I learned to bargain. Now I thrift...