Today I’m hitting you with a guest post from my blogger friend Alissa on plus size options for fun, flirty skirts. Be sure to check her out at Stylish Curves, where she gives the daily dish on style and news for the curvy fashionista. ——– Ahh spring, the most wonderful time of the year. No more boots, stockings and most importantly, no more heavy winter coats. A great way to kick off your spring wardrobe is finding the right skirt for your curves. As a curvy girl it’s...

I love anything with shrimp or cilantro, so when I came across this coconut shrimp and rice recipe, I knew it would be my Sunday dinner. And at around $1.50 per serving, it was perfect for my wallet. I made some tweaks by substituting brown rice instead of basmati and my coconut curry broth for plain chicken broth. And no meal is complete without veggies, so I included a side of mixed vegetables (you can always find the frozen variety for a buck or s0). Cheap+simple ingredients= Yum-O!

Having a hard time finding thrift stores in your area? The Thrift Shopper lets you search for second-hand retailers by zip code For the 5’4 and under crowd, The Budget Fashionista has Five Budget Style Picks for petite ladies Check out this cute (and eco-friendly!) DIY-tutorial on how to make a clock out of junk mail Virgin America is offering an Ultimate Style Makeover, including roundtrip airfare and a makeover from Banana Republic Check out Travelzoo’s Top 20 deals with blowout prices to every travel destination you can...

I love a great cheap chic find but when you break down the cost per wear ratio, is it really a waste of money to buy a cheaper item? Cheaper can (but not always) equal lesser quality and not likely to be in your closet for more than a few seasons. Believe me, I know cheap doesn’t always mean crappy. My Payless shoes that lasted longer than my Manolos are a great example of that. But let’s look at the boucle jackets above. The Forever 21 blazer (left)...