Spring is here!!! Sorry for the exclamation marks but after a dreadful winter, I’m happy there are no more mounds of snow or blistering wind chills. When it comes to the new season, a new or new-to-you {i.e. thrifted!} coat is a must. If there’s one piece of spring outerwear you plan to cop, let it be a trench. It’s wearable for all occasions and flattering for every figure. Oh, and you can find one at most, if not all, thrift shops. Here’s how to do it!

After my Thrifty Threads 365 challenge was over on January 1, I went on a bit of a shopping spree and hit up a few department stores. That resulted in me not thrift shopping for most of January and February. Well, I changed all of that in March and did some serious thrifting. I made multiple trips to the Salvation Army and a mega vintage warehouse. Check out the video below to see what I thrifted in March, including a statement-making vintage jumpsuit and spring style essentials.

  Just last week in my Having It All When Your Budget Is Limited, I mentioned that traveling is a huge priority of mine for 2015. Well, just a few days ago I booked a trip to Belize. {insert scream and Madonna’s “La Isla Bonita”}. I previously traveled to Belize a few years ago and when Secret Flying {check them out for last minute deals} had a flight for less than $350, I jumped on it. Besides saving on flights, I also save major cash by traveling light, because...

I recently posted a photo on Instagram and someone commented, “I never find anything at my thrift store.” I’ve heard this countless times. No really, I hear this at least every other day via a comment on the blog or on social media. If you never {ever ever!} find anything at your thrift shop, there’s really just one solution. Check out below how you can remedy never hitting thrift store gold.