09 Sep Looking FLY on a Dime – Fashion Week
I promised I’d show you my less than $4 outfit, so here it is. Tomorrow marks the start of New York Fashion Week and I’m attending a few shows and parties so I want to wear something cute and functional with a hint of sexiness.
As for what I’m wearing, everything minus the tank and heels are from the Housing Works warehouse sale.
My tally:
Tank top from Strawberry: $2
Gap skirt: 50¢
Banana Republic cardigan: 50¢
Belt (not sure who it’s by): 50¢
Michael Kors heels: $0
$3.50 for a Fashion Week outfit.
And how did the heels cost nada, you ask? The $200 golden beauties were purchased from Intermix courtesy of a gift card. So for less than the cost of a value meal, I managed to put together a cute look (or at least I think it’s cute and reflects my style). What do you think?
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