12 Feb I Love Red?! Plus What Else I Learned After a 31-Day Style Challenge
It’s February and besides being the second month of the year {and Black Panther comes out in a few days!!!!}, it means we survived the very first Try It, Wear It, Love It challenge. The 31-day style adventure had one intention: to open your eyes to your personal sense of style. You might be thinking, why would I need an eye opener about my style. It’s mine, I know all about it. But you might be surprised by the amount of people who can’t define their personal style {like, what words would you use to describe how you dress?} and others just feel intimidated by the mere thought of stepping in to their closet.
I created #TryWearLove to give you {and myself!} 31 days of style prompts, or missions if you will, so at the end of the month, you might see things, your wardrobe and style differently.
Wanna know something I learned about myself after the challenge? I love red! I mean, it’s no secret I adore bright colors and patterns {and dressing like a bag of Skittles!} but after looking through all my photos, I realized one constant hue: red! And the crazy thing is, if you asked me what my favorite color was, I’d probably say coral or gold but not red. Well, apparently I love red.
So I asked myself why I {subconsciously} gravitate toward this hue? What do I feel when I wear it?
Red makes me feel powerful. It’s a show-stopping color and impossible to ignore. And also, how can you wear red and not feel amazing?!
Another realization? The Try It, Wear It, Love It challenge just confirmed that my style is absolutely all about the comfy chic vibe. I used to describe my look as casual chic. Now, it’s all comfy chic. I’ll always appreciate a great shoe game but tottering around in four inch heels that aren’t comfortable? No way! Instead, it’s about a gold bootie with a block heel. Chic, but comfy.
Thank you so much to everyone who tagged their pics on Instagram {and you can still keep tagging them!}. And even if you didn’t join the challenge this time around, you can still have a go at it. And stay tuned for another edition of #TryWearLove
Remember, fashion should be fun and never intimidating!
Photos: Monika Fidler, @monikafidler and Katie Mader and @Katherine.ashley.
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