18 Jun Fashion Hacks to Save Your Wardrobe
I’m a bit of a klutz. No seriously, anyone who knows me knows I rarely wear white because I never seem to keep it clean. It’s like stains automatically gravitate towards me when I’m wearing white. Sigh. That’s why it’s so important to know how to nix a stain, spill or other style mishap that always tends to happen.
Did you know there’s a product every woman has in her bathroom and it removes foundation from your collar? Yup!
Check out style hacks to save your wardrobe. They’ll make your life easier and keep your clothes and accessories pristine.
1. Remove sweat stains from your crisp white tee or button down by spraying the area with lemon juice. Launder as usual and stain be gone!
2. Slip on a pair of socks, step into your shoes and turn the hair dryer on medium to high heat. This will give you some much needed wiggle room in tight shoes.
3. Travel season is here. Keep your necklace from tangling by looping it through a plastic straw.
4. Makeup stains are common. Remove foundation from a cotton shirt with shaving cream. Let the foam sit for a few minutes before dabbing off with a clean cloth.
5. Use a coat of clear nail polish on the inside of cheap jewelry like rings. No more green fingers.
To see additional style hacks {how to get your zipper unstuck, a solution to blister free feet while wearing strappy sandals, etc.}, check out my story for StyleBlazer: 16 Fashion Hacks to Save Your Wardrobe.
Do you have any tips or tricks to fix wardrobe malfunctions? What are your affordable fixes for common fashion problems?
Niki @ Cheapalicious
Posted at 07:55h, 18 Junelove these tips! as for preserving cheap jewelry, i use clear spray paint for even coverage. it really works
got oomff n pizaazz?
Posted at 14:19h, 25 JuneIf the shirt you just have to wear today didn’t get next to an iron yet, and you don’t have time for all that….Plug in and turn on your flat iron. Keep getting ready. Return to the flat iron (which is now hot), then use flat iron to get those obvious wrinkles out. Another time saving method, IF YOUR CAREFUL……..I frequently put ON the shirt. Leave the front unbuttoned, use flat iron to grab places like front, cuffs and collar. The shirt is ready to button and go!! Schwiiing, ha ha..:)